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Exclusive run of 15 physical copies of the music for airplanes i, ii album, recorded on 90 minute recycled tapes.
Everything that went into this album, including instruments, tape decks, printer + paper, film camera, packaging, etc, was recycled and saved from either a thrift store or online used equipment sites. Nothing was purchased new for this release, in a small effort to reverse the carbon footprint that is inherent with traveling nationally for work.
The artwork is printed on single sided, thick resume paper, numbered and signed. The images used for the J-card cover art were taken with a Canon A1 film camera on the way home from a backpacking trip. All of the tapes used in the recording and dubbing process were donated from a kind family that had recorded hundreds of hours of audiobooks for their mother that had passed. The tape decks were bought used and self-restored and modded to accommodate the tapeloop process.
This release is far from a professional label release, but has all the love that an independent artist, repurposing used equipment in their free time can offer.
Having a hand in every step of the tape making process, from recording the music, to sourcing the materials, to dubbing the tapes, was an incredible labor of love, and will be the first of many tape runs to come in the future.

Music for Airplanes i, ii - Cassette Tape

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